
Thursday, August 28, 2008


When ever u are playing on the map Countdown(the one with silos), jump into a silos to get a challenge completed. Also if you go prone behind one of the walls, you can shoot under it, plus you get good view of the enemy base. I recommend that you use the RPD, it has good dam and good RoF. Dont forget, good ammo comes to a good killer

Saturday, August 23, 2008


When spwaning the Annilator, in Rockstar's GTA IV, go to the tallest building in the game, spawn a NRG, go on the edge then jump for cracker's!!! Brought to you by bloodnchocolat3.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gears of War

When using the hammerburst, the gun shooots six shoot with one trigger, if u use it like a pistol u will get many kills in close range. What i mean is hit them one, shoot them twice. If done correctly the will be down a ready for ur mayo.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When ever there is a helicopter in the air on multiplayer, hop on a HMG, wait for it to get in ur crosshair range then let loose on it. Also I am not responsible for replacing all of the ammo ur use, unless ur willing to pay alot.


When aiming at the head, aim ahead (get it?) a little bit, the Halo 1 headshot time lag is back. So SumRandomGuy7 (myfriend) when you got that hilarious dooblay snipe, that's what it was.

Monday, August 18, 2008


go to the poll down by the bottom of the screen under all of the blogs


whenever you are playing the single player campaign mode. always use support, they come with a lot of bullets, very handy thing. just be warned because you cant do crap to vehicles. by the way if you snipers need some more ammo, just walk on in.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Halo 3

Hey i got a double delivery today. I guess someone finally remembered my birthday. Now i have something on sale for Microsoft's Halo 3!! When playing on the map Foundry, which u have to download, you can walk around the top if you jump on a series of boxes. There is a video for it, probably on youtube. Also i am not selling the download pack so stop asking!

Gears of War

Finally i got the RIGHT delivery. I have something here for all the people who have an XBOX 360. For Microsoft's Gears of War, if u play on the map mausoleum there is a spot behind one of the bigger tombstones, the ones that look like mini houses, that u can hide in and no one will find you. Try just don't tell ur friends about me. o.k.? Good.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

guitar hero

Apparently i got the wrong delivery, i got a tip for guitar hero and rock band. It reads, "practice PrAcTiCe PRACTICE!!!!" i guess this is for themusicstore across the street. i originally ordered something for Battlefield Bad-company, but i think he got it. Oh well...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rogue Trooper

here is a tip for Rebellion's game, Rogue Trooper. When fighting the armored Norts, throw a scrambler grenade to make them short-circuit, then run up and press "E" near the guys back. If you do it in time u should be able jump on his back and kill the griver, very handy, and saves ammo too. Wait! i shouldn't have said that now i'm going to lose money...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Here is a quick tip for the hit game, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. When you get into a fire fight, quickly drop prone while aiming at ur enemy. If you do it right you should kill him and not get hurt. Just dont do it to phxman. O.K? Good


Here is a quick tip for vehicles, in the EA "forever played" list, Battlefield 2142. If you ever get in a fight between two tanks or whatever, always circle around back. Not only does this make you a moving target, it gets you around to the vulnerable spot on their butt. But, be warned ur ass will be vulnerable too.


WELCOME, you have just entered THEAMMOSTORE!!!!

This is a good place to learn all about some of the FPS or third-person shoot-em-ups like Call of Duty 4 or BF2142!! Oh, by the way i only sell to snipers and anti-tanks. However, i may make some exceptions...